Saturday, April 3, 2010


Ever since I arrived in the North Rupununi I've wanted a horse. A horse is a great way to get around the Rupununi. While they may be slower than a motorbike, a horse offers many advantages to the motorbike...they don't require gas, they will go places a motorbike can't and best of all...when it gets dark and you can't see, the horse will find his way home. At a nice easy trot they will cover twice as much ground as a man can walk, get your eye-level up a few more feet so you can see over the grass and brush...and offer real good companionship...great listeners, don't tend to talk too much.

So...I started on a prolonged search for the right horse....but, immediately ran into a problem. There is no such thing as a BIG horse (something in the 15+ hands size)..."if you want a big horse you will have to go to Brazil". So, I scoured the Rupununi, went to Bon Fin and Normandie...found one really nice horse. Unfortunately, like most of the big horses in Brazil, he was a race he wanted to do was run!!!

Then last December Capitach came riding up to my cabin with a fairly large grey stallion...pretty much what I was looking for...10 years old, had always been on the savanna, good trot, nice east canter...not inclined to gallop. So I bought him, had him castrated...and he immediately took off for a four months hiatus running with a pack of geldings down on the savanna below Aranaputa. In April we caught him and brought him back to Kwatamang.

Since then he has proved to be a great horse. He is great on the savanna...will not...WILL NOT go into a wet soft spot where there is a danger of getting mired. Works well moving other horses and cattle...and best of all he is great with the kids. Douglas (Clare's oldest son)  rides him bareback just about everyday.

In the photo I am holding Chamron...Clare's nephew who was born with severe handicaps. He loves to ride Roger...and it is interesting, when I have Chamron up, Roger is extremely docile...he walks slower, picks his way carefully and is a true gentleman. So now, I have my savanna transportation...Roger!!
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