Saturday, July 24, 2010

Our Homesite

When Clare returned to Kwatamang Village, it was with the intent to build a home for herself and her two sons. After perusing much of the village, she settled on a site about a mile or so north of the main village. The site is atop one of the highest places in the village. From here we look north to the Pakarimas, east to Mt. Markapan, south to the Kanuku Mountains and south and west across the savanna to Brazil and the South Pakarimas. Here are the four views we will enjoy:

North to the Pakarimas

East toward Mt. Markapan

South to the Kanuku Mountains

South and West across the savanna to Brazil and the South Pakarimas

Our nearest neighbor is nearly half a mile is incredibly quiet quiet you can almost here the stars twinkle.