Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Going home Friday

The road was closed for nearly two months during the rainy season. Now that it is opened it is time for me to conclude my business here in such things as eat my last ice cream, have a last drink of ice water (with ice), take a hot shower, watch television and spend time on the Internet.

The plan at this point is to take the Big Bus to Annai, spend a day or two in Kwatamang while we catch up my horse, hire a guide and head south down the "old road"...the route over which they used to drive cattle from the South Rupununi to the coast. If all goes well I will meet Clare in Lethem on the 16th of October when she comes up from Brazil.

After that I will hire another guide and head into the deep south...I hope to get to Sand Creek, Aishelton, Maruranau, Shulinab, Dadanawa and Saddle Mountain Ranch. With a bit of luck, I'll be back in Lethem in mid-November when Clare comes home from Brazil, having completed her two month walk-about in Boa Vista.

I plan to travel without my laptop...I should be able to post infrequent blogs from some of the villages that have Internet access...but, for the most part I will be unreachable. When I've completed my journey, I promise to blog my experiences horse back exploring the Rupununi.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I Got My Visa!!!

Today I returned from the Immigration Department with a brand new visa stamped in my passport. I can now roam freely through Guyana until August 2011....yeeessssss!!!!