Friday, May 29, 2009

Tulip's Puppy

There is a small brown hunting dog here at Bina Hill who effectively adopted me when I first arrived. Over time she got more and more comfortable with me. She accompanied me on my walks across the savanna, always greeted me enthusiastically when I returned and would sleep in my hut from time to time.

Well, you know how it is...dogs will be dogs and Goddess of Canine Fertility that she is, she got pregnant for the third time in just over a year. I've been told that she had delivered 16 pups in her two previous pregnancies.

When she was obviously pregnant again, and decided that the space beneath my dresser was a perfect maternity ward, I was expecting a whole bunch of pups. The night of May 3rd, I awakened to her panting and the sounds of muted squeals. By morning, things had quieted down and I checked on her. I could only see one pup, so I went about my day thinking that she would deliver more during the day...but, no...just the one.

Last week, she finally decide that it was time for her little girl to venture outside. It was comical watching her cavorting in the grass. I've tentatively named her "Fatso"...with no other pups to compete for nipples, she is being very well fed...and shows it.

Tulip and her pup

Fatso Outside for the First Time

Think this might be the father????

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