Thursday, August 20, 2009

Her name is Clare

On August 18, 2009, during a trip to Lethem my life changed...I met Clare Bernadette Daniels Clement. As innocently as, "does your cellphone have Blue Tooth?....can we swap some music?" a whole new world opened before me. We sat for over an hour exchanging musical selections from mine phone to hers and the reverse. We chatted, learned a bit about each other, agreed to meet again when she was in Kwatamang Village and I was back at back at Bina Hill Institute...about 3 miles from Kwatamang.

Clare is a 32 year-old widowed mother of two sons, 8 and 10. She is tiny...just 5 feet tall and has the smallest feet I've ever seen. Have you ever tried to buy dress shoes for a woman with a size 5 foot...really size 5! Her feet are only this long...tiny.

She is a full-blooded Macusi Amerindian...she speaks three languages: Macusi, Portugese and English. Since 2003, shortly after her husband was killed, she has lived in Boa Vista, Brazil. One of her sons, the younger, Kelron lives with his grandmother in Hiowa Village, while her older son, Douglas lives with her parents in Kwatamang. Clare hopes to be able to return to Kwatamang where she will be able to re-unite with both of her sons.

Like most Amerindian women I have met, Clare is incredible...she is patient, thoughtful, resourceful...nothing phases her. And best of all, she takes absolutely no crap from me. I hope this relationship will go forward...she is wonderful.

And this is what her very beautiful looks like...she is letting her hair grow back out similar in length to many of the women in the village.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


As is typical, many flights into Guyana land in Trinidad. Since I was going to be here, I wanted to take a quick run out to Chaguaramas to visit friends I hadn't seen since I left back in 2006.

I went by David Morand's capentry shop, wandered around Power Boats and Peakes, saying hello to old friends. Most importantly, I got to see Chicky. It brought back great memories, standing at her vendor stand eating the great sanwiches she always prepares.

It was funny when we drove up. At first, I had forgotten where her stand, I thought she was not there. Then, I spied her just down the road (where she has always been). I told the driver to drive right up to her table. I wnated to jump out and surprise her....welllll, the surprise wa on me. Chicky came around the car a greeted me with a great big hug just as I got out of the cab.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Leaving Maine

My last stop in Maine was in Portland. I had a late afternoon flight out to JFK, then on to Trinidad, so Brant took me to Portland where Maya Cohen picked me up.She took me to a funky little outdoor Mexican place where we had some great Mexican food...and icy, icy cold cokes. I did some last minute shopping, sorting and packing before Maya took me to the airport where I would depart Maine for probably the last time...I was surprised at the lack of sadness. i was actually happy that I was leaving one chapter of my life behind and opening up a whole new, as yet unwritten, it is on to Trinidad.

Maya at the Funky Little Outdoor Mexican Place

Saturday, August 1, 2009

On to Bowdoinham

Ron and Sherry were heading to Portland to watch their daughter run in the Beach to Beacon 10k., so they gave me a drop to Brant Miller's farm in Bowdoinham. It felt good...and it felt strange to be back in the town where I had spent more than more than half of my life.

I took time to walk around to see what had changed during my absence...not much. Things seemed to be about the same. To validate this, Brant and I went to the Town Landing Place Restaurant where I had eaten many, many meals...and absorbed huge amounts of abuse. True to the tradition of the place, I wlaked into verbal flack from the moment I walked through the door.
I had a wonderful time staying with Brant. I got to walk through familiar fields with Nell. It was painful watching here try to run the way she did when she was young...she wanted to run, run, run, but her body is just too old. But it was fun walking with her.

I drove by the old house...Carol's car was in the yard, but I just couldn't summon the courage to stop. I did go by Matt's house to say good-bye. He was away on vacation, but Bear was there. We had an abrupt, one-word at-a-time conversation. I suspect that was the last contact I will have with any of my sons. I know they will do well...I wish them all the best. They reamin the pride and joy of my life.