Saturday, August 1, 2009

On to Bowdoinham

Ron and Sherry were heading to Portland to watch their daughter run in the Beach to Beacon 10k., so they gave me a drop to Brant Miller's farm in Bowdoinham. It felt good...and it felt strange to be back in the town where I had spent more than more than half of my life.

I took time to walk around to see what had changed during my absence...not much. Things seemed to be about the same. To validate this, Brant and I went to the Town Landing Place Restaurant where I had eaten many, many meals...and absorbed huge amounts of abuse. True to the tradition of the place, I wlaked into verbal flack from the moment I walked through the door.
I had a wonderful time staying with Brant. I got to walk through familiar fields with Nell. It was painful watching here try to run the way she did when she was young...she wanted to run, run, run, but her body is just too old. But it was fun walking with her.

I drove by the old house...Carol's car was in the yard, but I just couldn't summon the courage to stop. I did go by Matt's house to say good-bye. He was away on vacation, but Bear was there. We had an abrupt, one-word at-a-time conversation. I suspect that was the last contact I will have with any of my sons. I know they will do well...I wish them all the best. They reamin the pride and joy of my life.

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