Friday, November 14, 2008

Back in Guyana

November 14, 2008...The day before my 64th birthday, I landed at Cheddi Jagan airport. The trip was uneventful after I finally got my ticket. I had made arrangements to fly to Guyana via American Airlines. When I stepped to the counter, the very nice lady told me that AA could not honor the price of my ticket (nearly $1200)...but I COULD purchase another ticket for $1900!!! ( ) that was my heart stopping. "No thank you, I'll make other arrangements."

Trot, trot, trot over to Liat..."hi, can you get me to Guyana today?"..."no, but we can get you there tomorrow, your flight leaves at 1:30 this afternoon, overnights on Barbados and you will arrive in Guyana tomorrow at 9am...that will be $480." I've taken this flight before, so I called Mavis, asked her if she would like an overnight guest....and she said, "yes."

So, off to Guyana via Barbados. Mavis and her sister picked me up at the airport, we stopped for burgers and fries, then on to Mavis's house for lots of catching up. The next morning Mavis's sister dropped me off at the airport and by 9am I was on the ground in Guyana, ready to start my week's R&R...Little did I know what was awaiting me.

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