Saturday, November 22, 2008

Off to Surama

November 21, 2008

"Mike (Mike Patterson from Arrow Point), I think I'd like to go down into the interior...I'd like to see some of the rain forest and some savanna. I tried Rock view, but they are filled to you know any other place I could stay?"
"How about going into Surama...they have an eco-lodge there."
"Do they have some savanna?"
"Yes, sure, they have a small section of savanna, they are on the edge of the rain forest, and just a few miles south of Surama the rain forest opens into the North Rupununi savanna."
"Sounds good to me, what do I have to do?"
"Go buy a bus ticket and I'll make all the arrangements."

So, across town to the Intraserve Bus office on Charlotte St. to buy my bus ticket. I show the lady my passport...everybody wants to see a passport in this country, pay her 14000 G$ (the equivalent of US $70 for the round-trip fare..."that includes the 10% discount for passengers over 50", she tells me too cheerily.

Back to the hotel.."OK, Mike, I have my bus what do I do?"
"I've made all the arrangements. Get on the bus tonight, tomorrow the driver will drop you off at the junction and someone will be there to pick you up." It sounded simple at the time, but the reality was a whole lot different (like I said, you can't write fiction this good).

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