Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Leaving St. Thomas and Winifred

November 10, 2008...after 6 months of very hard work and plowing more than $50,000 into the business, it became apparent that I had failed to take my own advice. Over the years, I told countless clients, "be sure you have adequate capital to start running your business"...and I fell into the same trap. So, today, I cut my loses and sold Winifred and the business back to Sharon Allen. Looking to the future, with the dire predictions of a world recession, I knew that I would not weather the storm. As I sit here now, some four months later, I know that it was the right thing to do. I've heard from friends that business is down 30-40% in the charter business. With revenues down that much there was no way I could have survived. it would only have been a matter of time.

Leaving Winifred and my dream was very difficult. But, when the papers were signed, it was time to move on...next stop, Guyana, South America

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