Saturday, July 25, 2009

46th High School Reunion

46 Freakin' years?!?!?!? Can you
believe it??? 46 years since we walked out of the halls of Brewer
High School into the unknown...let's see now, what was happening?
Viet Nam was ramping up, the Civil Rights Movement was in full
swing...just five months after we graduated, our 38th President would
be assassinated in Dallas, 8-track players belted out our favorite
tunes, DVD's and iPods were nearly a half century away, the first
computers would not be introduced for another 7 years, there was no
Internet, no IMing, no texting, Al Gore had yet to develop global
warming, the air was clean and sex was dirty.

Reunion weekend began with a joint party at the Ohmart and Ivers camps at Beech Hill Pond...that place has changed quite a bit as well. It was great fun to just sit around, chatting and laughing with friends I've not seen for nearly half a century...and may never see again.

Having been away from good ol' American
food for more than a year it was a real treat to pig out on cheese, dips, salty potato (is there supposed to be an “e” at the end of this word??? George Bush or Dan Quayle?) chips, burgers, pickles and real American booze. The next morning proved to be a continuation of my gastronomic journey into gluttony. Friends from far and wide gathered at the Ohmart camp bring all manner of breakfast delights...eggs, sausage, some kind of omelette/souffle thing that
was delicious, donuts (doughnouts for the purists out there), bagels,
bagels and more bagels and real honest to God COFFEE!!!

It was interesting watching everyone gather, chat and eat...for me it was especially enjoyable to see who
had changed the most and who had changed the vote for having changed the least is Joe Lunt...that same great irrepressible happy laugh that can make the most moribund person smile, the quick smile and the
happy-go-lucky attitude about life. Yep, Joe hasn't changed very much...well, except for the hair thing.

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