Tuesday, July 28, 2009

An Unexpected Surprise

I went to visit Jean and Bud Lyford who had been on my paper route those many years ago. They told me that their son, Peter, had recently received the Silver Beaver Award at the new lodge at Camp Roosevelt. They urged me to visit the new facility which they described as, "spectacular"....and it is.

One evening i drove to the camp where I had spent so many happy hours as a Scout camper and a Scout Leader. While I was checking in, I was very pleasantly surprised to have one of my former Scouts, Mike Cuskelly, walk in. Mike is the Camp Director...and offered to show me around the facility. He reminded me that we first met right here at Camp Roosevelt. In a moment of nostalgia, we went to Snow Shoe campsite to talk for awhile. I've always been proud of the fact that a number of my former Scouts went on to become Professional Scouters...Mike being one of the best.

Old Scoutmaster and Old Scout in front of the new lodge

It was amazing how small everything looks compared to when I attended camp back in the fifties and sixties. One thing, though, has not changed. The old lodge still holds great memories for me. Here I was awarded my Life Scout badge and was inducted into the Order of the Arrow.

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