Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Arriving in Maine

Just before midnight on July 22, I set foot on Maine soil for the first since leaving a year ago May. Ron and Sherry Treat were waiting for me at Bangor International Airport. Ron, Sherry and Molly would be my hosts (incredible, wonderful hosts...why Molly woke me several mornings with her version of a "wet French kiss") for my time in Maine.

Into the car and away we drove...my GOD!!! we haven't even left the airport and I'm already lost. I could not believe the changes. Not until we got into Brewer and were headed for Holden that I finally got my bearings...and even then, the changes were astonishing. What happened to Wilson St.? Now it goes all the way to Whiting Hill? Whoa...a Loew's???...way out here??? Unbelievable.

We turned right onto the Copeland Hill Road and things started to look familiar...well, sort of familiar. After a bit of chatting, a bourbon and some reminiscing, we retired sometime after midnight.

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