Monday, July 27, 2009

Visiting Mum

One of the most important reasons I returned to Maine was to visit my mother. So, after reunion weekend, I drove out to Hermon to visit Mum. When I arrived she was very upbeat. She had just received news that she would not have to undergo dialysis...nad someone was there (me) for her to prepare a meal. Mum has always enjoyed preparing meals for people...and this gave her the opportunity to fix something other than her restrictive diet.

She is doing extremely well on her diet, mostly because she is so disciplined and follows her doctor's directions. I certainly hope I will look this good when I reach 84.

We chatted for awhile, I showed her pictures of Guyana...and then when she had had enough she simple said, "OK, that's all I want to see."...we said our good-byes and I began the the rest of my journey through Maine and then on back to Guyana.

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